
Essential anatomy para pc
Essential anatomy para pc

essential anatomy para pc

Inquiries/complaints can be filed with the Title IX Coordinator/Equity Officer online, in person, via mail, via email or with the US Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, Atlanta Office, 61 Forsyth St. Johns Avenue, Palatka, FL 32177 (386) 312-4074 Anonymous reporting is available at /report. Questions pertaining to education equity, equal access or equal opportunity should be addressed to the College Title IX Coordinator/Equity Officer: Charles Romer, Room A0173, 5001 St. Johns River State College, an equal access institution, prohibits discrimination in its employment, programs, activities, policies and procedures based on race, sex, gender, gender identity, age, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation, marital status, genetic information or veteran status. O to hide everything except the selected structure.V to fade/unfade the selected structure.Use the show/fade/hide buttons on screen to see through a selected structure, remove it from view, or show it again.The blue color indicates that it is selected. Use your mouse or trackpad to click on a structure.

Essential anatomy para pc plus#

Use the plus and minus keys on your keyboard.Scroll up and down on your mouse or trackpad.Hold down the spacebar on your keyboard and use your mouse or trackpad to click the model and drag it around the screen.You can also double-click on a structure to set the focus of rotation.Use Q to rotate clockwise and E to rotate counterclockwise.Hold down the Y key and click and drag with the mouse or trackpad.Hold down the X key and click and drag with the mouse or trackpad.The following controls can be used with either a mouse or trackpad and a QWERTY keyboard.

Essential anatomy para pc